MENUMENU LOGINJOBS Alaska Business Education Compact Home » Alaska Business Education Compact Brief description of the Alaska Business Education Compact: Each month, the Alaska Safety Alliance hosts the Alaska Business Education Compact (BEC). This monthly meeting provides a forum for educators and employers to discuss issues that are involved with developing the workforce and provide pathways for Alaskans into careers. The forum brings in both large and small employers from business and industry, educators from K-12 to post-secondary, as well as organizations that represent veterans, those who advocate for accessibility and disability rights, Alaska Native Corporations, and cultural collectives. We host a diverse representation of Alaskans from all regions of the state, enhancing each discussion and strengthening the discourse between all sectors. Historically, the BEC evolved from the 1989 initiative “Alaska’s Youth Ready for Work”, then became the Alaska support organization for the Department of Education’s School to Work grant in the ‘90s. Since 2000, the BEC has provided a monthly forum for discussions on educational issues, industry workforce needs, and developing partnerships for career pathways. The membership includes secondary, postsecondary, university, union, regional training centers, and HR/ training departments of industries. Many of the private sector members represent industry or cultural organizations. Join us! Log in on Zoom the second Wednesday of each month from 8:00 am – 9:30 am for the BEC meeting. The BEC takes a recess in July and December (no meetings in July or December). Want to receive updates on upcoming BEC meetings? Make sure you are on the BEC List – click here to join. Do you have a suggestion for a future BEC? Email Do you have an announcement for BEC membership? Submit it HERE. Upcoming Meetings April 9 2025, 8:00-9:30 – Legislative Forecast with Larry Persily – LINK BEC meetings are second Wednesdays monthly via Zoom, 8:00-9:30am unless otherwise noted. Join the BEC List to get meeting updatesPast MeetingsMarch 12, 2025Workforce Impact of the Hospitality and Tourism Sector – Steph Johnson, Kirsten Dolan, BreeAnna Erickson, Jeff Samuels, Mary Jo Finney. Click for the meeting recording. February 12, 2025Leveraging the Untapped Workforce – Department of Corrections, Heidi Olson, Jonathan Pistotnik. Click for the meeting recording. January 8, 2025Housing & Workforce: Collaborative Solutions for Alaska’s Future – Panelists include Dan Delfino (AHFC), Katie Vachris (Trust Land Office), and Chad Stovall (HUD). Click for the meeting recording. November 13, 2024Impact of the Military on Alaska’s Workforce-Panelists include Dan Robinson, DOLWD Research & Analysis, LTC Amy B Slinker, Commander, Alaska Army National Guard, Richard M. Toney, GS-14, DAFC, Deputy Director, JBER Installation Support, & Nakita Mongar, Veterans Program Coordinator, DOLWD. Click for the meeting recording. October 25, 2024In-person Workforce Convening at O’Malley’s On the Green. Included a presentation by State of Alaska DOLWD Research Chief Dan Robinson, and overview of the draft Alaska Workforce Future draft report by Mari Selle with AWA, and a working session to include all attendees. Summary documents coming soon. September 11, 2024Alaska’s Workforce Future – Preview and Feedback Session: includes introductory remarks by Alaska Workforce Investment Board (AWIB) Executive Director Dirk Craft, and Alaska Safety Alliance (ASA) Chief Executive Officer Cari-Ann Carty. Click for meeting recording. August 14, 2024Innovative Employer-Led Training Programs: panelists included Stephanie Anderson, Trident Seafoods, Alessandra Frinchtl, Alaska Airlines, and Tara Master, EMC Alaska. Click for meeting recording. June 12, 2024Addressing the Childcare Problem in Alaska: panelists included Stephanie Berglund, CEO of thread, Leah Van Kirk, Health Care Policy Advisor, Department of Health, and Derotha Ferroro, PR Director, South Peninsula Hospital. Click for meeting recording. May 8, 2024The Integral Role of College in Workforce Development, panelists included Pat Pitney, President of the University of Alaska, Dr. Janelle Vanasse, President of Alaska Pacific University, Justina Wilhelm, President of Ilisagvik College. Click for meeting recording. April 10, 2024Emerging Industries in Alaska and the Workforce: Moderated by Ryan Witten of Alaska V3, panelists included Masoumeh Heidari Kapourchali of UAA (Automation, AI and robotics), Cristian Rabiti of NuCube (nuclear energy), Adam McCullough of NV5 (drones/geospacial analytics) and Erik O’Brien, Denali Commission (Mariculture). Click for meeting recording. March 13, 2024Workforce 2030 – The Alaska Plan: Presenters included the workforce plan authors Mike Andrews of MCA Strategies and Marcia Olsen of The Write Details. FOF Communication’s Beth Hansen and Rod Wolford introduced an interactive survey. The session included the background and goals of the Alaska Plan, the key contributors, and an introduction to the Alaska Plan website. Click for meeting recording. February 14, 2024Legislative Update and Conversation: Panelists included Representative Zack Fields, Senator Jesse Bjorkman, Alaska Department of Labor Commissioner Cathy Muñoz, and Alaska Landmine Editor-In-Chief Jeff Landfield. Topics included TVEP reauthorization, CDL license access for new Alaskans, Educational Tax Credit, increasing the Base Student Allocation, continued focus on Apprenticeships, the importance of Career Guides, and more. Click for meeting recording. January 10, 2024Emerging WF Needs: Infrastructure Projects in Northwest Alaska, featuring NACTEC Director Doug Walrath, Nome City Manager Glenn Steckman, Ukallaysaaq Okleasik of Northwest Planning, and Luisa Machuca from Kawerak. Click for meeting recording. December 13, 2023Inspiring the Workforce to Choose Alaska, featuring Jenna Wright, CEO of AEDC and other Alaskan ARDORs (Speaker Bio) November 8, 2023AWIB: Alaska Workforce Convening Recap (Handouts & Speaker Bios: Emma Kallaway and Julia Reed ) October 11, 2023Accessing Funding through the DOL: Education Training Providers List (ETPL), Job Center training funding, etc. (Speaker Bio) September 13, 2023 Job and Career Fairs: the Good, the Bad, and Best Practices (Handouts & Speaker Bios) August 9, 2023Anchorage School District’s Bold New Shift: Career-Themed High School Academies (Speaker Bios)