MENUMENU LOGINJOBS NSTC Confined Space Entry Home » Training » Courses » NSTC Confined Space Entry Describe the characteristics of a confined space. Identify the hazards associated with entering and/or working in a confined space. Institute appropriate controls, safeguards, and actions to protect personnel. Explain what permits are required for working in a confined space. Explain the six steps for working safely within a confined space. Explain the confined space entry requirements detailed in the Alaska Safety Handbook. Cost: $85.00 (non-member) / $59.50 (member) Approximate Course Length1.5 hours Course TypeE-Learning Enroll Related Courses NSTC Energy Isolation 1Identify hazardous energy sources in the workplace Understand the requirements of the Energy Isolation Standard Know how to eliminate, control,...View Course NSTC Energy Isolation 2Energy Isolation 1 is a prerequisite before taking Energy Isolation 2 Understand Energy Isolation procedures and documents Identify the types...View Course NSTC Fall ProtectionFP Module 1 Course objectives: Define the fall protection standard, terms and definitions. Explain the importance of fall protection in...View Course NSTC Respiratory Protection – APR***Must take Respiratory Protection - Into first*** Describe the conditions requiring use of an Air Purifying Respirator (APR) Describe factors...View Course NSTC Respiratory Protection – SAR***Must take Respiratory Protection- Intro first*** Describe the components of the Supplied Air Respirator (SAR) Determine and verify air source...View Course NSTC Respiratory Protection – IntroductionThis course provides an introduction to respiratory protection. After completing this course, the learner will be able to list hazardous...View Course