This workshop is presented by the Oregon Healthy Workforce Center (Oregon Health & Science University) and the Northwest Center for Occupational Safety and Health (University of Washington) in collaboration with Alaska Chapter of the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP).
Total Worker Health (TWH) is a comprehensive approach that ensures that policies, programs, and practices are well-integrated in an organization to protect workers from different work-related safety and health hazards and to promote worker well-being. This workshop will demonstrate the importance of implementing TWH in the Construction Industry and beyond.
Intended Audience: Occupational health and safety professionals and any other professionals intersecting with workers’ health, safety, and well-being, such as human resources, risk management, wellness, and disability management specialists. No prior knowledge of TWH is required, but enrolled students should be familiar with the field of occupational health and safety.
Registration & Information
This workshop is complimentary.
To Register, go to OSHCE.UW.EDU
2.5 contact hours / 0.25 CEUs
Phone: 1-800-326-7568