MENUMENU LOGINJOBS Maritime Scholarships & Funding Home » Explore Careers » Maritime Careers » Maritime Scholarships & Funding College and training can be expensive. ASA provides links to various maritime related scholarships in the state of Alaska.University of Alaska Fisheries ScholarshipThe Research, Enhancement, and Management Working Group is pleased to offer this scholarship.Fisheries programs across the University of Alaska system collaborate to provide a workforce for federal and state organizations, public and private non-profit salmon and shellfish hatcheries, and strive to help maintain the health of Alaska’s waters and aquatic resources. Fisheries programs faculty support scholarships for students entering or enrolled in a fisheries or fisheries-related program through UA. Awards vary, but typically range from $500 to $2,000. Download UA Fisheries Scholarship Flyer.Online Application for the UA Fisheries Scholarship Priority deadline: August 15 (fall semester) or December 15 (spring semester). Contact Info@maritimeworks.orgOther Funding SourcesMPC Gives/CIRCAC Scholarship (AVTEC) Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Dislocated Worker program, or contact AVTEC for directions on how to apply – (907) 224-3322 Veteran’s Administration funding for Maritime Training Federal Financial Aid ProgramsOther ScholarshipsAlaska Association of Harbormasters and Port Administrators March 15 deadline Homer Marine Trades Association Vocational Scholarship Must live in Kachemak Bay area Alaska Pacific University Scholarship Program Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory Council Scholarship Program Lund Maritime Scholarship National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Ocean Scholar Program Northwest Fisheries Association Application period closes each year on February 15 Sig and Helen Decker Memorial Scholarship Fund | The Alaska Community Foundation ( Scholarship Application period open January through mid-March each year Southeast Conference Scholarships UAF College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences UAA KPC Kachemak Bay Campus, Homer Scholarship