Become a member

Membership Level Descriptions


  • Corporate Members – companies with subsidiaries. Corporate Members, including both parent organizations and subsidiaries, may nominate eligible candidates for election to the board and hold one vote per entity.
  • Principal Member – Includes any for-profit company, regardless of industry sector, as well as for-profit education and training providers. Principal Members may nominate elibigle candidates for election to the board and hold one vote per entity.
  • Partner Member – Partners include nonprofit organizations, government agencies, not-for-profit educational and training institutions, and labor and trade organizations (unions). Partner Members hold one vote per entity. Qualified employees of Partner Members are eligible for nomination to the board of directors and up to four seats on the Board of Directors may be held by partner members. Partner Members must provide verification of their nonprofit or government agency status. Please call for more information about becoming a Partner Member.


  • Reciprocal Partner – A non-voting class designed for membership organizations interested in fostering mutual collaboration and support. Reciprocal Partners join on a membership-exchange basis, with no membership dues exchanged between parties. While they do not have voting rights or board nomination privileges, Reciprocal Partners enjoy all other benefits of membership, including access to member services, discounts on training and programs, and opportunities for joint initiatives.
    If you’re interested in becoming a Reciprocal Partner, please email us at or call 907-770-5250.