Board of Directors

The volunteer Board of Directors is comprised of the following leaders. The Alaska Safety Alliance is proud of our active, engaged Board members and their many contributions to the organization.

Luke VoshellChair
ASRC Energy Services
QHSET Director

Heather SpearSecretary
Sitnasuak Native Corporation
Chief Administrative Officer

John KetchumImmediate Past Chair
Hawk Consultants
Division Manager – Operations Support

Chris Campbell
NANA Construction
HSE Supervisor

Ezequiel Chalbaud
Glacier Oil
HSE Manager

Ryan Deines
ConocoPhillips Alaska
Western North Slope HSE Director

Tara Kulin
Oil Search (Alaska), LLC a subsidiary of Santos Limited
Safety Manager

Fred Millen
Alyeska Pipeline Service Company
Chief Human Resources Officer

John RothbarthChair Elect
Hilcorp Alaska
Regional Safety Manager

Teri CothrenTreasurer
University of Alaska Workforce Development
Associate Vice President, Workforce Development

Stephen Nowers
Cruz Construction
HSE Manager

José Owens
American Marine
Operations Manager

Jayme Selanoff
Chugach Alaska Corporation
Outreach Manager, Shareholder Development

Randy Sulte
Kakivik Asset Management and
CCI Industrial Services, Inc.
Chief Operations Officer


Craig Crawford
Chair Emeritus
Total-Western, Inc.
District Vice President

Pat Curley
Chair Emeritus
ASRC Energy Services
Process Engineer

Josie Hickel
Chair Emeritus
Chugach Alaska Corporation

Millie Johnson
Chair Emeritus
Chugach Alaska Corporation
Vice President
Shareholder Development

Dale Kruger
Chair Emeritus
BP Exploration Alaska Inc. (Retired)
GBP Operations Manager

Kathy Leary
Chair Emeritus
Ilisagvik College (Retired)
Community & Workforce Development

Dave Rees
Chair Emeritus
Facilitator, Alaska Business Education Compact

Fred Villa
Chair Emeritus
University of Alaska (Retired)
Associate Vice President for Workforce Programs

Upcoming Meetings

February 6, 2025, 1-4 pm
Q1 2025 ASA Board of Directors Meeting