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Welcome to our Workforce Publications Hub

This page offers a curated collection of workforce development plans, articles, and research that provide insight into the evolving workforce landscape. In the first section, you’ll find Alaska-specific publications that highlight local efforts and strategies tailored to our state’s unique needs. The second section features valuable resources from outside Alaska, offering broader perspectives on workforce development practices and innovations. Finally, the third section includes related reference documents.

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Alaska Plans

2024 Mat-Su Health Foundation Workforce Development Network Report

This report discusses the 2023 progress of the Mat-Su Health Foundation Workforce Development Network toward its mission “to enhance healthcare career pathways, education, and training for Alaskan K-12 students, university attendees, and adult learners.” Through concerted collaboration, its initiatives aim to bolster access to a stable pipeline of skilled, locally based healthcare professionals within Alaska’s workforce in order to meet the overall goal of enriching the quality of healthcare services accessible to Alaskans which will allow them to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives. LINK

2023 Alaska Workforce Development Convening Outcomes and Recommendations

Our goal for this work: Define and align on the next phase of Alaska’s workforce development system. LINK

2023 Alaska Healthcare Workforce Analysis 2023

This report is primarily an analysis of Alaska healthcare jobs, earnings, wages, growth projections, and workforce demographics. Key study findings point out that healthcare is 1) Alaska’s top industry; 2) thousands of New Alaska healthcare workers are needed annually; 3) there is a healthcare worker shortage, and 4) wages and costs are rising. LINK

2023 Bristol Bay Broadband Implementation Plan for Virtual Jobs Adoption

This overview outlines the approach to assess training needs to increase local hire for buildout of the new broadband infrastructure in Bristol Bay. LINK

2023 Bristol Bay Remote Workforce Development Needs Assessment

This assessment is an inventory of regional assets (organizations trying to fill the gap in digital skill training in the Bristol Bay region) and calls for action and need in the same digital skill space. Initial recommendations focused on workforce development outline possibilities for future programs to support remote work in Bristol Bay. LINK

2023 State Apprenticeship Expansion Formula (SAEF) Five Year Plan: July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2028

State of Alaska 5 year plan for state apprenticeship expansion with goals and budgets. LINK

2022 AEDC Choose Anchorage

The set of strategies and actions identified within this plan is meant to provide community partners, business leaders, and government officials with a roadmap to collectively strengthen Anchorage’s economic vitality over the next five years and beyond. This plan consists of four major goals that build on one another: Business Vitality, Talent, Quality of Place, and Infrastructure. LINK

2022 Technical and Vocational Education Program Report State Fiscal Year 2022

This report, prepared for the Alaska Legislature and the Alaska Workforce Investment Board by the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development, discusses the distribution of training funds to technical and vocational education entities across Alaska’s six economic regions per Alaska Statute 23.15.835. The training institution overviews that begin on page 7 are based on the FY 2022 program activities recipients reported directly and include training programs, partners, regional economic impacts, yearly accomplishments, and information about new and future endeavors. LINK

2022 Alaska Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Combined Plan Modification PY 2022 – 2023

Alaska’s WIOA Combined Plan describes the workforce development system that Alaskans want and explains how Alaska is using WIOA and other state and federal programs to achieve its vision of providing multiple pathways to high skill, high wage jobs and careers, and access to the education, training, and support services needed to prepare for and participate in high–demand occupations that pay family–sustaining wages. LINK

2022 Bristol Bay Workforce Snapshot 2022

Data collection, literature review, employer interviews, and an employer survey, built on each project step to conclude with a well-researched and objective analysis of employers’ experience with hiring and retention in Bristol Bay. LINK

2020 Gendering human capital development in Western Alaska

This article identifies the forces of reform that catalyzed change in Alaska’s approach to workforce development, describes the innovations that have occurred, and details the newest phase of workforce development, which centers on work-based learning approaches to staff training and career advancement. LINK

2019 Gap Analysis of Alaska’s Clean Energy Education & Training Opportunities

Alaska Network of Energy Education (ANEEE). This gap analysis seeks to catalog the curricula, programs and pathways by which i)Alaskan K-12 students; ii) Career and Technical Education (CTE) trainees and iii) Alaska University students might increase their energy literacy, combat the high cost of energy in Alaska, discover careers and improve overall quality of life in the state. LINK

2018 Case Study How Alaska Addresses Its Health

This article identifies the forces of reform that catalyzed change in Alaska’s approach to workforce development, describes the innovations that have occurred, and details the newest phase of workforce development, which centers on work-based learning approaches to staff training and career advancement. LINK

2018 The Mat-Su Workforce Development Assessment and Plan

Mat-Su Health Foundation (MSHF) contracted with McDowell Group to conduct a two-phase strategic planning process to support health and human services workforce development in the region. The planning process engaged Mat-Su stakeholders—including Mat-Su Regional Medical Center (MSRMC), Mat-Su College, University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA), Mat-Su Borough School District, other educational institutions and health and human services employers, and residents—through a Steering Committee, discussion groups, executive interviews, and online survey LINK

2018 Addendum to the Alaska Career and Technical Education (CTE) Plan

This addendum is intended to complement but not replace the 2010 Alaska CTE Plan. It contains information about how to implement the strategies outlined in the 2010 plan and best practices in CTE, examines CTE-supported industries by region, emphasizes the importance of engaging with industry to expand CTE, and more. LINK

2018 Alaska 2018 Apprenticeship Plan

This is the final draft of the Alaska Apprenticeship Plan, submitted to the Alaska Workforce Investment Board in October 2018. This Alaska Apprenticeship Plan is a proposal for growing apprenticeships to a scale needed to fill our talent pipeline, strengthen our economy, and produce a world-class workforce. The plan is a starting point for continued dialogue with stakeholders interested in sustaining and expanding registered apprenticeships and implementing action steps over five years (2019 to 2024). LINK

2018 The Alaska LNG Project Gasline Workforce Plan

This publication from the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development details strategies for preparing Alaskans to fill these jobs, provides an overview of the project, identifies current labor market conditions and anticipated workforce needs, and summarizes Alaska’s training capacity. We produced this report to inform the public and policymakers of the challenges in developing a workforce for one of the largest construction projects Alaska has ever undertaken and recommend ways to train and educate an Alaskan workforce to build and operate the Alaska LNG Project. LINK

2017 Alaska Health Workforce Coalition 2017-2021 Action Agenda

The Alaska Health Workforce Coalition (AHWC) 2017-2021 Action Agenda continues the focus and work of the preceding AHWC Action Agenda. Healthcare stakeholders will find both new and continuing occupational priorities as well as systems change and capacity-building initiatives. The Coalition recognizes that unprecedented change is occurring across Alaska’s entire health field and it is the intent of this plan to be a bridge and provide guidance during this time. LINK

2017 Using Work-Based Learning for Student Engagement and Community Investment

Research indicates that rural communities with few labor market opportunities are at increased risk for social and economic unsustainability. As such, high-potential rural students often believe they must leave their homes for more populated areas with superior labor markets in order to obtain fulfilling employment, success, and life satisfaction. Effective work-based learning curriculums, which incorporate student engagement and talent development components, may facilitate school engagement, entrepreneurial interest, community involvement, intrinsic satisfaction, and extrinsic success among rural students, thus contributing to community investment. LINK

2017 Alaska case study Pathway to employment

Alaska has been no stranger to initiatives targeting enhancement of employment services for people with disabilities. However, the infusion of Partnerships in Employment funding into Alaska enhanced interagency collaboration and supported a high level of system change dialogue. From self-sustaining employer engagement and interagency collaboration work, to the development of a common definition and sequence of employment services across the system, the Alaska Integrated Employment Initiative (AIEI) has been a vehicle for cross systems dialogue and propelled policy change and legislative change. This article discusses the Alaska Integrated Employment Initiative (AIEI) and its impact in Alaska. LINK

2016 Alaska Process Industry Careers Consortium/ McDowell Group

This Alaska-specific document seeks to identify commonalities among various Alaska industries in order to examine the feasibility of a “cross-industry” workforce plan. In its conclusion, “action items” are identified which remain as relevant and unresolved today as when proposed in 2016. LINK

2014 Alaska Mining Workforce Development Plan 2014

This workforce development plan was prepared in 2014 by AWIB to address the challenges of attrition and aging within the current mining workforce, competition from the global mining industry as well as other resource development industries in Alaska, and the increased demand from new mining projects across the state. The plan identifies high priority occupations based on workers needed in large numbers and those with special skills and short supply. It addresses problems with obtaining workers and offers several solutions including adding training locations and cross-industry skills development. LINK

2014 Supporting a Strong, Sustainable Maritime Workforce in Alaska

Developed by representatives of Alaska Fisheries, Seafood, and Marine Industry Sectors Alaska State Agencies University of Alaska, the Alaska Maritime Workforce Plan is a call to action and a guide for industry, government, and educators to work together to enable Alaska’s maritime sector to remain economically vibrant, ensure that Alaskans are qualified to fill these skilled and well-paid positions, and increase the number of Alaskans in this workforce. LINK

2012 Alaska Integrated Workforce Development Plan PY 2012-2016

This publication by the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development is an assessment of the workforce skills and knowledge individuals need to find current and future employment in the state, particularly the skills and knowledge employers deem necessary for economic growth in Alaska. LINK

2011 Behavioral health workforce development in rural and frontier Alaska

This article identifies the forces of reform that catalyzed change in Alaska’s approach to workforce development, describes the innovations that have occurred, and details the newest phase of workforce development, which centers on work-based learning approaches to staff training and career advancement. LINK

2010 Alaska Forward: Phase 1 Situational Analysis

A situational analysis that describes and analyzes the current [2010] economic development system in Alaska and the state’s unique set of economic and business climate factors. Along with a suggested path forward, the report is designed to inform a next phase of collaborative formulation of practical strategic and tactical action initiatives to safeguard the future success of Alaska. LINK

2010 Alaska Career and Technical Education Plan

This 2010 plan developed by the Department of Education and Early Development, the Department of Labor and Workforce Development, and the University of Alaska, contains six strategies to address career preparedness and the broader need for a statewide training and education system that is collaborative, efficient, effective, and coordinated with regional and state workforce needs. See also the 2018 addendum for updates to the plan. LINK

Other Plans

2023 Unlocking economic prosperity: Career navigation in a time of rapid change National Fund for Workforce Solution

Study identifies and discusses problems and solutions for five core drivers of career navigation success: (1) information accuracy and access, (2) skills and credentials, (3) social capital, (4) wraparound resources and supports, and (5) social structures and ecosystems. LINK

2023 Expanding Youth Apprenticeships Recommendations to the US Department of Labor

According to data gathered from the Harvard Project on Workforce industry experts, practitioner reports, and DOL resources, six factors have primarily contributed to the under-enrollment of young people ages 16-18 in apprenticeships. This report examines each of those factors and concludes that the DOL can implement the following three high-impact strategies to increase participation in youth apprenticeships: 1. Awareness: Implement Targeted Strategies for Awareness & Engagement focusing on opportunities for youth and employers. 2. Complexity: Map & Unify Practitioner Resources by mapping all touchpoints in the apprentice journey and creating standardized guidebooks for practitioners. 3. Metrics: Improve Data Collection & Performance Reporting by tracking key indicators at each stage in the apprentice journey. LINK

2023 Improving Employment Outcomes Through Continuing Education A Framework for Evaluating Programmatic Areas and Insights to Produce Meaningful Job Outcomes Harvard Project on Workforce

This study presents criteria to help program managers or heads of academic departments at community or technical colleges evaluate and prioritize specific potential programs for pilot or release in the next 6-18 months. These criteria include institutional goals, core strengths, constraints, and student outcomes. The criteria are unweighted to encourage discussion among stakeholders with different perspectives on the tradeoffs between and relevance of the various criteria. LINK

2023 Supporting Earners as Learners Recommendations for Education Design Lab

The Harvard Project on Workforce Education Design Lab aims to bridge the gap between education and employment, and catalyze a transformation toward a skills-based economy. Through interviews with employers, thought leaders, and Lab employees, the team identified best practices and challenges in upskilling for the Lab to consider in its strategy design. Discusses best practices and challenges. LINK

2023 Building the U.S. Construction Workforce

This Harvard Project on Workforce report analyzes and discusses best practices taken by unions, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies to recruit and retain women, opportunity youth, and people with disabilities in construction trades. LINK

2023 The Path Forward for Non-Degree Credentials: Landscape Analysis, Challenges and Innovations

This Harvard Project on Workforce paper focuses on tech and IT NDCs offered by 11 key 2- and 4-year colleges and universities, private and public, identified in partnership with Strada Education Foundation, McKinsey & Company, and Harvard Project on Workforce. The majority are members of the Taskforce on Higher Education and Opportunity, a collective of higher education institutions dedicated to collaborative problem-solving and impact scaling at the intersection of workforce and higher education. LINK

2023 Navigating Public Job Training

This Harvard Project on Workforce report describes and analyzes the more than 75,000 “Eligible Training Provider” (ETP) programs in the United States. The analysis seeks to answer three primary research questions: 1) What are the most common characteristics of WIOA-eligible training providers and programs? 2) Which fields of study and occupations are most commonly supported by federal funding? 3) Is federal funding for workforce training directed toward good-paying and in-demand occupations? LINK

2023 The Options Multiplier: Decoding the CareerWise Youth Apprentice Journey

The Colorado CareerWise program, inspired by Switzerland’s youth apprenticeship system, aims to bridge the gap between high school and Postsecondary credentials by creating an “options multiplier” model. The vision is a career-focused model from which any student, regardless of plans, could benefit. It emphasizes that apprenticeship is not a diversion from higher education, but rather a multiple pathways approach to both high-paying jobs and further education. This is a Harvard Business School and Harvard Kennedy School report on the success of this program to date. LINK

2022 The Partnership Imperative: Community Colleges, Employers, and America’s Chronic Skills Gap Report

Harvard Business School’s Project on Managing the Future of Work reports the and results of a multiyear, multi-method research initiative, the first-ever extensive survey into the trajectory of the partnership between community college leaders (educators) and senior executives across industries (employers). LINK

2022 The Partnership Imperative: Community Colleges, Employers, and America’s Chronic Skills Gap

This is the community college survey instrument used for the Dec 2022 Project on Managing the Future of Work, Harvard Business School report on America’s Chronic Skills Gap. It includes all questions asked of community college leaders. LINK

2022 The Partnership Imperative: Employer Perspectives on Community-College Employer Engagement

This is the employer survey instrument used for Dec 2022, Project on Managing the Future of Work, Harvard Business School report on America’s Chronic Skills Gap. Includes all questions in employer and community college surveys. LINK

2022 Promising Practices to Close Equity Gaps in Career and Technical Education

Harvard Workforce Project analysis of promising state strategies to advance equity in secondary career and technical education (CTE) across three indicators: placement, postsecondary credential attainment, work-based learning participation. LINK

2022 Ours to Solve Together: Best Practices in Employer Engagement from American Rescue Plan Programs

This report seeks to clarify how regional workforce entities and employers can better work together. The Economic Development Administration’s (EDA) recent American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) competitions have provided plentiful examples of excellent employer partnership models. Highlighted are learnings from the regional workforce training system pools of the Good Jobs Challenge (GJC) and Build Back Better Regional Challenge (BBBRC). After analyzing applications, incorporating outside research, and conducting stakeholder interviews, the team highlighted some of the best practices in employer engagement and summarized them in a “playbook” for the EDA. LINK

2022 Building the US Infrastructure Workforce: A Review of Strategies for Equitable Access to Construction Careers

This construction workforce best practices review by the Harvard Project on Workforce summarises the current landscape of workforce development programs supporting infrastructure investment across the US. The project involves 23 interviews with local and state entities across the US, used to develop a framework for building effective construction workforce programs. The results include a ‘Best Practice Checklist’ to enable other local entities to create construction workforce programs. LINK

2022 Workforce Data in Action: Prototyping a Research Dashboard

This is an evaluation of a prototype for an internal, centralized dashboard containing key insights from studies in five government research databases and one non-profit database. Designed by the Harvard Project on Workforce, its intended primary users are the USDOL’s Employee and Training Administration and outside consultants. The tool enhances the evidence-finding process and helps advance pertinent initiatives. The report outlines the dashboard design process, the tool highlights, and describes intervention insights gleaned from the initial use of the prototype. LINK

2022 Has Mining Lost its Luster?

Why talent is moving elsewhere and how to bring them back Explores latest research into the talent imperative for mining, covering why hiring and developing the right talent is increasingly crucial for miners, what drives the talent squeeze, and how miners can reverse it. LINK

2022 Navigating to a Skills-Based Approach to Talent Development

A small number of companies is pivoting to a skills-based approach to talent development to address skills gaps through upskilling and reskilling their existing workforces; to build new, future-focused skills; and to tap into contingent workers for specialized projects or tasks. Insights into the approach and its benefits. LINK

2022 Our Job-training System is Stuck in the 1960s

American workers deserve better the Boston Globe reports on the problems with our current job-training system and recommendations for changes. LINK

2021 Help Your Employees Find Purpose – Or Watch Them Leave

Employees expect their jobs to bring a significant sense of purpose to their lives. Employers need to help meet this need, or be prepared to lose talent to companies that will. LINK


Colorado Workforce Development Council Excellent toolkit for workforce boards seeking to implement a successful High School Equivalency (HSE) support program. The target population is individuals age 16 to 24 years who have not achieved success in traditional academic environments. LINK

2021 Reimagining the Workforce Development and Employment System Brief

Rand Company testimony before Florida House Committee on Education and Employment 1/26/21 Good discussion and graphics. LINK

2019 Reimagining the Workforce Development and Employment System for the 21st Century and Beyond

This research report describes the limitations of the 20th-century workforce development and employment institutional arrangements. Discusses how various stakeholders seek to introduce reforms, try new strategies, and modify policies. This is a basis for Rand Florida testimony. LINK

2019 A System That Works

Describes how to create a new workforce development and employment system designed to meet the needs of employers, workers, and other stakeholders. An overview. LINK

2019 Supporting Middle-Skills Stem Workforce Development Brief

Summary of Rand study for oil & gas industry in OH, PA, and WV. Discusses mismatch of employer skill demands with curricula and programming of educational institutions producing the labor pool for the sub-baccalaureate STEM labor market. Offers recommendations. LINK

2019 Supporting Middle-Skills Stem Workforce Development

A Rand Study initially for the oil and gas industry but with relevant findings for other industries in AK. The report discusses the inability of the education and workforce systems to keep pace with the changing needs of the economy because employers’ skill demands are not aligned with the curricula and programming of educational institutions that produce the labor pool for the sub-baccalaureate STEM labor market. Offers recommendations. LINK

2017 Developing a Skilled Workforce for the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

A Rand Report designed to inform policy decisions on how best to expand and sustain the pool of workers with knowledge and skills needed by oil and natural gas employers in the tri-state region of OH, PA, and WV. This report summarizes the findings from surveys administered to the region’s oil and gas employers and education providers. Offers some lessons for Alaska oil and gas industries. LINK

2017 State Economic Development Strategies: A Discussion Framework

This Urban Institute report discusses investment in the workforce including: 1) occupational and job training, 2) customized training programs, and 3) the use of intermediaries to help coordinate firm demands with the needs of the local workforce. Successful economic development strategies coordinate all three types of investment. However, because the missions and mandates of the agencies that administer these programs differ, aligning resources efficiently is difficult. Moreover, deficiencies in data collection and evaluation make it difficult for states to weigh the costs and benefits of specific policies as part of a holistic economic development strategy. States should seize opportunities to unify their economic development strategy by collaborating with different agencies to set state priorities, foster communication, encourage program evaluation and data gathering, and create single destinations where firms and employees can access state economic development resources. Although unifying the state strategy and three types of investments is a complex endeavor, increasing coordination and collaboration can help states invest their scarce resources in programs that achieve the desired economic outcomes. LINK

2017 Changing Workforce Systems: A Framework for Describing and Measuring Systems Change

This is a conceptual framework of systems change goals and activities developed by the Urban Institute. It offers measurement options that stakeholders can consult to suit their particular efforts. The framework provides a clear, common language for practitioners, funders, policymakers, and researchers to use when discussing this sometimes amorphous concept, and tools for thinking through measurement practices for their initiatives. VERY, VERY GOOD – IMHO.LINK

2016 State Workforce and Economic Development: Opportunities for Collaboration

Little is known about how state workforce and economic development agencies collaborate. The literature on this subject focuses mainly on local and regional workforce and economic development collaboration. The Urban Institute, by examining examples of collaboration at the state level, identifies opportunities for state leaders to better align their workforce and economic development activities through joint planning and programming, policy, funding, and data sharing. The strategies discussed are: 1. Supporting collaboration between employers and education providers to build workers’ skills 2. Developing sector strategies for joint planning and programming 3. Coordinating funding to achieve workforce and economic development goals 4. Using technology and data to connect employers and the workforce. LINK

2016 Understanding Local Workforce Systems

This brief Urban Institute report provides a framework for understanding local workforce systems, including the populations served, key organizations involved, and broad functions performed. It outlines potential strategies local workforce systems can use to prepare individuals for successful careers and connect skilled workers with employers, highlighting specific innovation examples. The brief concludes with recommended next steps for local leaders and others who want to better understand their own workforce systems. LINK

2016 Workforce Boards: The Mandate to Lead Orientation / Training

A “guide booklet” presenting an overview of the broad vision of the intent of WIOA from the National Association of Workforce Boards. LINK

2015 Creating an effective workforce system for the new economy

$1 trillion is spent on workforce development and training annually. The pervasive view among stakeholders is that the returns on such investments have fallen well short McKinsey & Company’s reexamination of existing strategies and program administration is needed to enable individuals to pursue new opportunities and fuel economic growth. Federal/state governments catalyze this effort by convening the right parties, aligning goals and incentives, and helping to scale promising efforts through the strategic distribution of funds. This report discusses barriers to achieving these objectives. LINK

Related Resources

2024 Who Are Alaska’s CTE Students?


2024 New Workforce Plan to Meet Alaska Workforce Shortages

The Alaska Governor’s office and the Alaska Department of Labor announced an initiative of the Alaska Safety Alliance and the State of Alaska (SOA) with support from the Denali Commission to create a unique cross-industry workforce development plan to address critical labor shortages that impact every industry, nonprofit, government agency and community in Alaska. LINK

2024 Alaska Transportation Workforce Study Recruitment Flyer

Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) and UAA’s Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) are teaming up to improve the workforce development pipeline. They need input from employers, unions, and workers to give the full picture of challenges. This fly describes how you can participate. LINK

2023 Alaska College and Career Guidance Report

Alaska has among the lowest rates of postsecondary attainment in the nation and high rates of disconnected youth: one in five young adults in Alaska (ages 16-24) is not engaged in school or work. This report seeks to provide insight into the question: How can we prepare all Alaskan students for meaningful employment and education opportunities after high school? LINK

2023 How to Establish a State Apprenticeship Agency (SAA) within a State

This circular describes the required documentation that must be submitted to OA’s National Office (NO) staff to evaluate the conformity of State law, regulations, policies and regulatory guidance to obtain or retain the recognition of a State Apprenticeship Agency (SAA) within the State. LINK

2021 Apprenticeship as a Career Development Alternative

This report, authored jointly by the Midwest Economic Policy Institute and the Project for Middle Class Renewal at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, evaluates enrollment, investments, completion requirements, and average earnings for construction apprentices in Wisconsin. These outcomes are contrasted with public universities in Wisconsin to compare apprenticeship as an alternative post-secondary option for high school graduates in the state. Joint labor-management programs are also compared with employer-only programs in construction. Lastly, the report discusses potential policy options for Wisconsin before a concluding section recaps key findings. LINK

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